
Title Ruflaute
Subtitle for large ensemble
Year 2015
Instrumentation fl, ob eh, sax, bcl, tpt, hn, tbn, perc, hrp, 2 vl, va, vc, cb
Duration ~ 5:40
Premiere 2016, January 15th
Premiere Details Keren Hasan (conductor), Ensemble : Arc-en-Ciel (ZHdK)
Location ZHdK (Zurich University of the Arts)

Phenomena associated with the voice have very diverse possibilities of interpretation and consideration. What emanates from the voice and addresses someone exposes itself to the fragility of the moment and thus also to failure. Call sounds in this sense stand not only for composed material, but also for lamentations, signals, shouts of joy, or in poetry introduced emphases of an important address. In my understanding, the call, or the call sound as an archaic and even in the animal world existing means of communication also resonates with a timelessness and cultural universality, which fascinates me deeply: we can all hear a call sound as such and yet always have an individually and culturally distinct feeling and understanding for it.

Direction : Keren Hasan Ensemble : Arc-en-Ciel – ZHdK Creation : 15.01.2016 Recording: Nicolas Müller – ZHdK
© Micha Seidenberg